Space horror sequels like Jason X

The sequels of horror films are almost always quite successful, and fans of the subgenre are constantly eager for the next really terrifying experience. But what happens when the villains from horror movies go to outer space? Here is a list of five horror movie antagonists who traveled to outer space. While some were prosperous, others did not do so well in their endeavors.

The Leprechaun

The weakest entry in the Leprechaun horror film series is Leprechaun 4: In Space. The fact that it is set in space is precisely what makes it so mind-numbingly fantastic. A fantastic illustration of how to take a completely ludicrous idea and make it into something really "unique" is in the movie Leprechaun 4. You'll laugh out loud at the movie's realistic effects, inventive killing techniques, and hilarious Leprechaun lines. Leprechaun 4: In Space is a must-see if you like the Leprechaun series or horror flicks in general.


Hellraiser: Bloodline is a prequel and sequel. Story covers 1700s, 1990s, and 2200s. Let's be honest: I'm just here for Pinhead and the other Cenobites. Doug Bradley maintains a cold, menacing, demonic air when he performs. This is confusing, but who cares? Even if you've watched Hellraiser, Bloodline's Pinhead moments are disturbing. If you loved Clive Barker's Hellraiser, you should read this. Even without any logic, it's a fun ride.


I'll confess that the announcement that Critters 4 will take place in space piqued my interest and got me excited. I mean, how could they possible beat the work that they had done in the prior Critters movies? But then I looked at the cast list, and it didn't appear very good at all. Where is Brad Dourif? Angela Bassett? And what about the renowned Danish actor Anders Hove? I simply couldn't fathom how something like this could work out.

And when I eventually saw Critters 4, my worries were validated. It was merely a rip-off of other properties with a horrible setting and a bad tale with awful characters. The exact elements that made the prior entries special and enjoyable are either entirely stripped out or just absent, which is what truly stings from the fan's standpoint. A horrible disaster and a major letdown, Critters 4


It's almost impossible to watch Dracula Dracula 3000 since it's so awful. I'm against Dracula 3000. Even though it's bad the whole time, I (just updated) wasn't satisfied with the ending. "Dracula in Space" was awful instead of being as bad as I had anticipated. Although the idea is funny, the performance and discussion are terrible. If you want to be depressed all day, watch it.

Coolio, too. Coolio is the star. Is it true I said that?

Jason Voorhees

The most notorious horror movie sequel to take place in space is called "Jason X." Jason Voorhees is the real-life embodiment of the horror movie myth and legend. It doesn't matter how he got into space, but he did. Nobody really cares about the reason why he's in space. The only thing that counts is that Jason is out in space and ready to cause mayhem.

I think Jason X is entertaining to watch for the transformation of Jason into Uber Jason as well as the Easter eggs and throwbacks to prior Friday the 13th flicks.

While this movie isn't everyone's bag, it's a terrific viewing for horror movie enthusiasts who adore campy, cheesy, slasher pictures.


Horror movie sequels are a VERY mixed bag. Leprechaun 4: In Space, for example, takes a preposterous concept and elevates it to a new level of creativity and hilarity. Others, like Dracula 3000, are so terrible they're virtually unwatchable. If you're a horror movie enthusiast, it's certainly worth checking out some of the most iconic horror movie sequels in space. This may be the beginning of an all-new love affair with the genre for you.

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